

Friday, May 13, 2011

The importance of a good portfolio

Do you think we pay monthly salary to buy a portfolio? If you ask me, I say yes.

Someone said I should have pockets.

Wallets Women

A few months ago, a friend of mine told me that I should have held. "You should have a portfolio and keep your money well." He said. The reason he told me that I always lose my money carelessly. After I book, I feel much better. I found my money was systematic. My friendkidded me, "he said, if you have a lot of money, you can hide in your wallet, and if you have little money, you can hide in your wallet too.

It pays to buy a good portfolio?

The importance of a portfolio is not just a wallet, it is also your taste. It can be used for many years. It 'so important to have a portfolio of good quality. It will take you for a long time and help you save a lot of memories. Adoptedthat is used for many years to 2,000 yuan a portfolio and use it for ten years you only pay 200 yuan for a portfolio to have a good one. And 'less than 1 yuan for a day.

The specific use of a portfolio good.

Further more, I think there is another function that has a portfolio. I want the money, a lot of things in my portfolio than others. Such as maps, pictures and some special things, like a cloverleaf. If I am sad, I will open my wallet andWatch the four-leaf clover, which means happiness. And then I tell myself that everything will be fine. For a good solution, it has more space to do things like to sell.

For all of the above seasons, I think it's worth the salary of one month to buy a portfolio.

The importance of a good portfolio


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